About Us

Our Mission

The mission of The 1017 Project is to provide a sustainable supply of high quality beef to local food banks.

Our Story

In 2012, founders Jordan and Lacey Weaver realized the traditional, once-a-year, Thanksgiving baskets were not a realistic solution for people who may not even own an oven. 

That’s when the rural community of Powell Butte, Oregon, and its abundance of cattle ranchers and team ropers, inspired a local business model that quickly became regional and is now serving the year-round needs of food-insecure families in several states.

What started with 9 mature cows has grown into a sustainable 501c3 non-profit that provides thousands of pounds of beef, monthly, to food banks in Oregon, Montana, Arizona & Texas.

Board of Directors

Jordan Weaver
Founder & Executive Director

The 1017 Project is the product of the creative and compassionate hearts of our founders. After participating in a holiday gift box campaign, where they found themselves handing frozen turkeys to families living in RV’s, Jordan & Lacey began brainstorming with members of the rural community of Powell Butte, Oregon. The 1017 Project was launched in 2014 as a one-of-a-kind cattle program that generated an immediate partnership between the local rural culture’s ability to raise and care for cattle, and their equally gritty urban counterparts that are feeding and housing the most vulnerable citizens of our region.

Doug Bird

Ryan Penhollow

Dan Flitner

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